Struct typenum::uint::UInt[][src]

pub struct UInt<U, B> { /* fields omitted */ }

UInt is defined recursively, where B is the least significant bit and U is the rest of the number. Conceptually, U should be bound by the trait Unsigned and B should be bound by the trait Bit, but enforcing these bounds causes linear instead of logrithmic scaling in some places, so they are left off for now. They may be enforced in future.

In order to keep numbers unique, leading zeros are not allowed, so UInt<UTerm, B0> is forbidden.


use typenum::{B0, B1, UInt, UTerm};

type U6 = UInt<UInt<UInt<UTerm, B1>, B1>, B0>;


impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> UInt<U, B>

Instantiates a singleton representing this unsigned integer.

Trait Implementations

impl<U: Eq, B: Eq> Eq for UInt<U, B>

impl<U: PartialEq, B: PartialEq> PartialEq for UInt<U, B>

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

impl<U: Ord, B: Ord> Ord for UInt<U, B>

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

impl<U: PartialOrd, B: PartialOrd> PartialOrd for UInt<U, B>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl<U: Clone, B: Clone> Clone for UInt<U, B>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<U: Copy, B: Copy> Copy for UInt<U, B>

impl<U: Hash, B: Hash> Hash for UInt<U, B>

Feeds this value into the given [Hasher]. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given [Hasher]. Read more

impl<U: Debug, B: Debug> Debug for UInt<U, B>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<U: Default, B: Default> Default for UInt<U, B>

Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Unsigned for UInt<U, B>

U8: u8 = <B>::U8 | <U>::U8 << 1

U16: u16 = <B>::U8 as u16 | <U>::U16 << 1

U32: u32 = <B>::U8 as u32 | <U>::U32 << 1

U64: u64 = <B>::U8 as u64 | <U>::U64 << 1

USIZE: usize = <B>::U8 as usize | <U>::USIZE << 1

I8: i8 = <B>::U8 as i8 | <U>::I8 << 1

I16: i16 = <B>::U8 as i16 | <U>::I16 << 1

I32: i32 = <B>::U8 as i32 | <U>::I32 << 1

I64: i64 = <B>::U8 as i64 | <U>::I64 << 1

ISIZE: isize = <B>::U8 as isize | <U>::ISIZE << 1

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> NonZero for UInt<U, B>

impl PowerOfTwo for UInt<UTerm, B1>

impl<U: Unsigned + PowerOfTwo> PowerOfTwo for UInt<U, B0>

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Len for UInt<U, B> where
    U: Len,
    Length<U>: Add<B1>,
    Add1<Length<U>>: Unsigned

Length of a bit is 1

The length as a type-level unsigned integer.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Add<B0> for UInt<U, B>

U + B0 = U

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<U: Unsigned> Add<B1> for UInt<U, B0>

UInt<U, B0> + B1 = UInt<U + B1>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<U: Unsigned> Add<B1> for UInt<U, B1> where
    U: Add<B1>,
    Add1<U>: Unsigned

UInt<U, B1> + B1 = UInt<U + B1, B0>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Add<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>

UInt<U, B> + UTerm = UInt<U, B>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Add<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: Add<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> + UInt<Ur, B0> = UInt<Ul + Ur, B0>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Add<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: Add<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> + UInt<Ur, B1> = UInt<Ul + Ur, B1>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Add<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: Add<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> + UInt<Ur, B0> = UInt<Ul + Ur, B1>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Add<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: Add<Ur>,
    Sum<Ul, Ur>: Add<B1>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> + UInt<Ur, B1> = UInt<(Ul + Ur) + B1, B0>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Sub<B0> for UInt<U, B>

UInt - B0 = UInt

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Sub<B1> for UInt<UInt<U, B>, B1>

UInt<U, B1> - B1 = UInt<U, B0>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation.

impl Sub<B1> for UInt<UTerm, B1>

UInt<UTerm, B1> - B1 = UTerm

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation.

impl<U: Unsigned> Sub<B1> for UInt<U, B0> where
    U: Sub<B1>,
    Sub1<U>: Unsigned

UInt<U, B0> - B1 = UInt<U - B1, B1>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Bl: Bit, Ur: Unsigned> Sub<Ur> for UInt<Ul, Bl> where
    UInt<Ul, Bl>: PrivateSub<Ur>,
    PrivateSubOut<UInt<Ul, Bl>, Ur>: Trim, 

Subtracting unsigned integers. We just do our PrivateSub and then Trim the output.

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Bl: Bit, Ur: Unsigned> BitAnd<Ur> for UInt<Ul, Bl> where
    UInt<Ul, Bl>: PrivateAnd<Ur>,
    PrivateAndOut<UInt<Ul, Bl>, Ur>: Trim, 

Anding unsigned integers. We use our PrivateAnd operator and then Trim the output.

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

Performs the & operation.

impl<B: Bit, U: Unsigned> BitOr<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>

X | UTerm = X

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> BitOr<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: BitOr<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> | UInt<Ur, B0> = UInt<Ul | Ur, B0>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> BitOr<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: BitOr<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> | UInt<Ur, B1> = UInt<Ul | Ur, B1>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> BitOr<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: BitOr<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> | UInt<Ur, B0> = UInt<Ul | Ur, B1>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> BitOr<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: BitOr<Ur>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> | UInt<Ur, B1> = UInt<Ul | Ur, B1>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Bl: Bit, Ur: Unsigned> BitXor<Ur> for UInt<Ul, Bl> where
    UInt<Ul, Bl>: PrivateXor<Ur>,
    PrivateXorOut<UInt<Ul, Bl>, Ur>: Trim, 

Xoring unsigned integers. We use our PrivateXor operator and then Trim the output.

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

Performs the ^ operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Shl<B0> for UInt<U, B>

Shifting left any unsigned by a zero bit: U << B0 = U

The resulting type after applying the << operator.

Performs the << operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Shl<B1> for UInt<U, B>

Shifting left a UInt by a one bit: UInt<U, B> << B1 = UInt<UInt<U, B>, B0>

The resulting type after applying the << operator.

Performs the << operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Shl<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>

Shifting left UInt by UTerm: UInt<U, B> << UTerm = UInt<U, B>

The resulting type after applying the << operator.

Performs the << operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit, Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> Shl<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UInt<U, B> where
    UInt<Ur, Br>: Sub<B1>,
    UInt<UInt<U, B>, B0>: Shl<Sub1<UInt<Ur, Br>>>, 

Shifting left UInt by UInt: X << Y = UInt(X, B0) << (Y - 1)

The resulting type after applying the << operator.

Performs the << operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Shr<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>

Shifting right UInt by UTerm: UInt<U, B> >> UTerm = UInt<U, B>

The resulting type after applying the >> operator.

Performs the >> operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Shr<B0> for UInt<U, B>

Shifting right any unsigned by a zero bit: U >> B0 = U

The resulting type after applying the >> operator.

Performs the >> operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Shr<B1> for UInt<U, B>

Shifting right a UInt by a 1 bit: UInt<U, B> >> B1 = U

The resulting type after applying the >> operator.

Performs the >> operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit, Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> Shr<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UInt<U, B> where
    UInt<Ur, Br>: Sub<B1>,
    U: Shr<Sub1<UInt<Ur, Br>>>, 

Shifting right UInt by UInt: UInt(U, B) >> Y = U >> (Y - 1)

The resulting type after applying the >> operator.

Performs the >> operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Mul<B0> for UInt<U, B>

UInt * B0 = UTerm

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Mul<B1> for UInt<U, B>

UInt * B1 = UInt

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Mul<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>

UInt<U, B> * UTerm = UTerm

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, B: Bit, Ur: Unsigned> Mul<UInt<Ur, B>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: Mul<UInt<Ur, B>>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> * UInt<Ur, B> = UInt<(Ul * UInt<Ur, B>), B0>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, B: Bit, Ur: Unsigned> Mul<UInt<Ur, B>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: Mul<UInt<Ur, B>>,
    UInt<Prod<Ul, UInt<Ur, B>>, B0>: Add<UInt<Ur, B>>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> * UInt<Ur, B> = UInt<(Ul * UInt<Ur, B>), B0> + UInt<Ur, B>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Cmp<UTerm> for UInt<U, B>

Nonzero > Zero

The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of Greater, Less, or Equal.

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Cmp<UInt<U, B>> for UTerm

Zero < Nonzero

The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of Greater, Less, or Equal.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Cmp<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: PrivateCmp<Ur, Equal>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> cmp with UInt<Ur, B0>: SoFar is Equal

The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of Greater, Less, or Equal.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Cmp<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: PrivateCmp<Ur, Equal>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> cmp with UInt<Ur, B1>: SoFar is Equal

The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of Greater, Less, or Equal.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Cmp<UInt<Ur, B1>> for UInt<Ul, B0> where
    Ul: PrivateCmp<Ur, Less>, 

UInt<Ul, B0> cmp with UInt<Ur, B1>: SoFar is Less

The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of Greater, Less, or Equal.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Ur: Unsigned> Cmp<UInt<Ur, B0>> for UInt<Ul, B1> where
    Ul: PrivateCmp<Ur, Greater>, 

UInt<Ul, B1> cmp with UInt<Ur, B0>: SoFar is Greater

The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of Greater, Less, or Equal.

impl<Un, Bn> GetBit<U0> for UInt<Un, Bn>

impl<Un, Bn, Ui, Bi> GetBit<UInt<Ui, Bi>> for UInt<Un, Bn> where
    UInt<Ui, Bi>: Sub<B1>,
    Un: GetBit<Sub1<UInt<Ui, Bi>>>, 

impl<Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> Div<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UTerm

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Bl: Bit, Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> Div<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UInt<Ul, Bl> where
    UInt<Ul, Bl>: Len,
    Length<UInt<Ul, Bl>>: Sub<B1>,
    (): PrivateDiv<UInt<Ul, Bl>, UInt<Ur, Br>, U0, U0, Sub1<Length<UInt<Ul, Bl>>>>, 

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation.

impl<Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> Rem<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UTerm

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation.

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Bl: Bit, Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> Rem<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UInt<Ul, Bl> where
    UInt<Ul, Bl>: Len,
    Length<UInt<Ul, Bl>>: Sub<B1>,
    (): PrivateDiv<UInt<Ul, Bl>, UInt<Ur, Br>, U0, U0, Sub1<Length<UInt<Ul, Bl>>>>, 

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation.

impl<Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> PartialDiv<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UTerm

The type of the result of the division

Method for performing the division

impl<Ul: Unsigned, Bl: Bit, Ur: Unsigned, Br: Bit> PartialDiv<UInt<Ur, Br>> for UInt<Ul, Bl> where
    UInt<Ul, Bl>: Div<UInt<Ur, Br>> + Rem<UInt<Ur, Br>, Output = U0>, 

The type of the result of the division

Method for performing the division

impl<U, B, Ur> Min<Ur> for UInt<U, B> where
    U: Unsigned,
    B: Bit,
    Ur: Unsigned,
    UInt<U, B>: Cmp<Ur> + PrivateMin<Ur, Compare<UInt<U, B>, Ur>>, 

The type of the minimum of Self and Rhs

Method returning the minimum

impl<U, B, Ur> Max<Ur> for UInt<U, B> where
    U: Unsigned,
    B: Bit,
    Ur: Unsigned,
    UInt<U, B>: Cmp<Ur> + PrivateMax<Ur, Compare<UInt<U, B>, Ur>>, 

The type of the maximum of Self and Rhs

Method returning the maximum

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for f32

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for f64

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for u8

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for u16

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for u32

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for u64

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for usize

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for i8

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for i16

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for i32

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for i64

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for isize

The result of the exponentiation.

This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others. It is implemented for primitives. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<U, B> Send for UInt<U, B> where
    B: Send,
    U: Send

impl<U, B> Sync for UInt<U, B> where
    B: Sync,
    U: Sync